Give the gift of nature.


Brook Waimarama Sanctuary is building a pest-proof fence around the sanctuary and need financial support. We have created a case statement document to help communicate the vision of the future for the sanctuary, with the intention that sponsors will jump on board in making this dream a reality. When the pest-proof fence is completed, an initial irradiation of pests will mean the sanctuary will be virtually pest-free, with native flora and fauna thriving within the sanctuary and spilling out into the wider community.

On the cover of the document is the silhouette of a girl interacting with a fantail – she is made from the imagery of rare native birds and greenery. Like the image of the girl, by supporting this project future generations will be able to interact with native wildlife freely and more readily. We created a range of images from the sanctuary that include illustrations of rare native wildlife, like kaka, kiwi, and tuatara. These illustrations show what could be a reality in the future while being very clear that this dream is not yet a reality – these are not photos of the wildlife, only rough sketches in the sanctuary.

The title of the document “give the gift of nature” is about donations having a real positive impact on the flora and fauna thriving in the sanctuary, and the gift of nature is not just to the sanctuary itself, but to the wider community, and ultimately future generations.