Nelson Arts Festival

Identity refresh for Nelson Arts Festival 2021 — the regions cultural event that attracts over 200 artists for 11 days of entertainment in October.
Booklets hanging in space on white background

We have had the pleasure to work with the fabulous team at Downing for our 2021 Nelson Arts Festival. We dreamed big and received amazing results — responding to our theme and vision for the Festival, to (re)connect our community through creativity and unmissable arts experiences. 

open book
open book
open book

Downing developed a new brand for the Festival that impressed with bold colours, an eye-catching logo and nods to our beautiful environment here in Whakatū, in particular the Maitai river. 

“Everyone at Downing is incredibly talented, kind and highly responsive, which made working to our often tight deadlines a breeze. To have a stunning brand that reflects our values and vision has strengthened our communication throughout and added incredible value to our overall visibility and representation of our programming. We feel confident to carry through this new visual identity to our 2022 festival and feel in the best of hands with the expertise, creativity and vision that Tony and his team add to our Festival whānau.”

Nelson Arts Festival Team