Today I’m at Semi-Permanent conference, Auckland, and it’s on the future with talks from Uber, Facebook, Google and Netflix.
One question asked how do you make a product that appeals to millions. Ethan Eismann from AirBnB answered ‘We start by designing a product that one person will love and then make it the best experience for that one person. Then we expand that to 4, then 8 then 16 and so on. We look to get the best product ingredients. For AirBnB its travel, hosts, homes, and experiences. We are aiming for transformational experiences that are memorable and magical.
Good design is focused, respects the limits, and solves more than one problem while not making more problems.
Thoughts from other speakers
“Everything we design and create has an impact socially, economically and environmentally. We need to consider all these consequences. Good design is focused, respects the limits, and solves more than one problem while not making more problems.”
– Michael Gough, Uber
“There are no sacred cows, every now and then you have to create a hamburger. Build better products with a/b testing, research and empathy.”
– Andrew Law, Netflix
“At the moment AI is about intelligent as cats and dogs. Don’t fear it, embrace it. It will empower your creative process and make you a super creative with augmented intelligence.”
– Julia Peter, Facebook